Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A day in Bandon - Day 5

"We have a ride to dinner!" Bonnie sang while doing a happy dance. Lisa met us on our way in town. We cleaned up quickly and went out to eat - IN A CAR! :) Hungry from a fun fruit and one cookie lunch, we were rewarded with a great dinner at the Crows Nest, a bar above the Wheelhouse restaurant in Old Town, Bandon. They serve a full menu up there and the view of the Bay is spectacular. Afterwards, we drove to the Bandon Marsh and walked out to the viewpoint, chatting with folks from Manitoba as we watched Canadian Geese fly in onto the water. Humans and fowl, travelers all.
The waterfront in Bandon is very nice. We walked that as well and took in the sunset with a multitude of pictures on every possible setting with all our cameras, then back to the Hotel La Kris, since these small towns close up early - seriously. The restaurants clost for the day somewhere between 5 and 6:30! Luckily, the Dairy Queen next door was still open so we got a little treat. Now this morning, after a bit of laundry we will have breakfast and check the town some more.

1 comment:

alohapjs said...

Aloha Anna,
Most of us hope to be able to "age gracefully". Looks to me like you have started the process with some post-graduate work!!! Enjoy every moment and breath, even on the uphill grades. The meals and the vistas sound very energizing.
I will be anxious to see some of the photos, once you have returned to the homestead.
Stay safe.
The Des(s)ert Guy,
cuzzin' pj